Number of Repetitions: Jump 25 times each day for 2 weeks
Goal: To jump accurately and smoothly in the correct position 25 times in succession
1. Stand in duck position, feet out and thumbs in, with heels almost touching (Figure 1).
- Jump and land with hands and feet in Pigeon position, feet in and thumbs out. Toes should be almost touching (Figure 2).
- Jump back into duck position. If this is too difficult, begin by making the switch very slowly with feet sliding into the other position.
Hands move to the same direction as feet.
Upper body does not maintain upright position—bends forward or backward.
Facial movements—clenched jaw, jaw moving, tongue sticking out.
Legs too straight–knees are locked.
Hips rotate or twist.
Feet too far apart or move further apart as jumps progress (Figure 3).