Number of Repetitions: 3 times each day for 4 weeks
Goal: To easily perform this activity while synchronizing breathing with movements.
1.Lie on floor on back with knees and feet together, arms out to sides in a T position. Feet should be as close to buttocks as possible (Figure 1). Press hands together over abdomen. Inhale through nose as you push buttocks upward and off the ground, forming bridge position (Figure 2). Hold breath as long as possible (face should turn red).
- Exhale with force through the mouth, making a “whoosh” sound, as you push hands up toward the ceiling and then outward to the floor (Figures 3 and 4). Slowly lower body back to floor as you quickly continue exhaling, back to starting position.
Unable to hold or release breath at the correct time, or with the correct technique.
Body unstable in bridge position.
Difficulty balancing in bridge position.
Raising body too fast.
Lowering body too fast.
Unable to synchronize movements.
Observe and record any of the above difficulties. If any of these occur, then redirect, guide and assist in the proper technique.