Number of Repetitions: 25 repetitions each day for 2 weeks
Goal: To perform this movement continuously while keeping the back flat.
1. Bend Knees and sit back on heels. Straight arms are stretched out in front with palms down and forehead is touching the ground (Figure 1).
- Slowly move forward into table position, inhaling, keeping the arms straight. Body weight is over the arms. Head lifts upward as body moves forward (Figure 2). Back remains flat at all times and does not arch or dip down.
- Exhaling, slowly move back into the start position, with head moving back down.
Unable to keep the back flat. It either dips or arches.
Head movement is not synchronized with the body movements.
Difficulty coordinating inhaling and exhaling with the movements.
Arms do not remain straight throughout movements.
Observe and record any of the above difficulties. If any of these occur, then redirect, guide and assist in the proper technique.
Please review the observation checklist. If any deviations or improper techniques are still observed after 2 weeks, continue this exercise for another week.