Number of Repetitions: Crawl forward for 2 minutes, each day for 2 weeks.
Goal: To crawl forward easily and smoothly and in a coordinated manner, maintaining 3 points of contact with the floor.
1. Start in table position (Figure 1).
- In table position, there are 4 contact points with the floor. Begin crawling, with 3 points in contact with the floor at all times. First, right hand moves forward, then left knee, then left hand (Figure 2–figure 2 shows left hand being lifted), followed by right knee (Figure 3—figure 3 shows only right knee being lifted).
- Turn head to focus eyes on each hand as it takes the lead.
Movement is not smooth and coordinated.
Hands or knees do not move in correct sequence.
Eyes do not follow leading hand.
Difficulty maintain table position (back dips or arches)
Movement in right-right-left-left pattern instead of right-left-right-left pattern.